good morning beautiful people!!!! are you ready for a good day? well, I am and I am declaring today a good day, so let's take advantage of it. I have a lot to try to get done this week and I hope I can accomplish it all. I'm gonna try, with the Lord's help, to get some seeds started this week. that's my plans, but my plans are not etched in stone. so if God sees fit, that's what I'll do. I look forward to it. we'll be going to see my Momma sometime this week too. that's always a blessing and we always look forward to seeing her. oh yeah, I was going thru some seeds today, determining what I want to get started and I had lost some onion seeds last year that I had saved from some onions that I had grown from green onions from Aldi. it took 2 years to get seeds, and when they got dry, I saved the seeds. well, somehow, I lost those seeds. it was like they didn't even exist, but I knew they did. well, I opened a green bean seed box today and guess what was in it? go ahead, guess. yup, that's right, my onion seeds!!!! hahaha they do exist!!!! I did save them!!!!! and I'm so thrilled that I did find them. I hope to plant them this fall. I was so tickled that I actually found them. I just knew they had gotten accidentally thrown away. so yay, I can rest easy now, having found my onions seeds.
let's run to th kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" segment. I bake a bread. I bake a LOT of bread!!!!! I had gotten this thing from amazon that's used to make the long french type loaves of bead. I never make or made those kinds of loaves, so it was pretty useless to me until I started making what I call hotdog buns. when I'm making the buns for my husband's breakfast, I've got to where I'll use 4 of the bun balls and make hotdog buns. I'll just make them into longish logs and either freeze them immediately or put them on the long thing and let them rise and bake them.
I take a little piece of parchment and cut it just to fit what I think will be the size of the buns and let them rise and then bake them. the parchment prevents the dough from getting stuck in the tiny holes. actually, I don't know if the dough would get stuck or not, I just didn't want to take the chance. hahaha
but when they are done baking, you can see that they are beautiful!!! our favorite meal from these are using the Aldi chicken apple sausage. the sausages are pretty large, so I'll thaw one sausage out and cut it in half down the middle lengthways and we'll each get a half of a sausage on our bun and that is plenty. I'll put the sausage in the air fryer along with our potato and sweet potato bites that I make and keep frozen in the freezer. this makes for a really good meal and relatively quick. it's another of what I call my "fast food" options. I hope if you haven't tried making long buns before that you'll be inspired to give it a try. this is just one more item that I can make, that I don't even have to think about buying at the store. I haven't bought bread at the store in years, and I pray that I never have to buy store bought again!!
giggle for the day:
Q - Where do polar bears keep their money?
A- -In a snow bank.
we pick up with Ecclesiastes 9, do you make plans and count on doing those plans? most everyone that died today, had some kind of plans made. we can't predict what we'll be doing tomorrow or next week, only God knows those things. we should enjoy life while we have it and be grateful and thankful to God every day for the gift of life life. and we should be helping others along the way.
Ecclesiastes 10, "A wise personβs heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish personβs heart directs him toward the left." if you ever wonder what the difference between the left and right is, here it is!!! even the bible makes it clear that a person who is leaning towards the left in their way of thinking are fools. I didn't say it, the bible said it. fools are always at a loss and we are seeing a LOT of that here lately!!!!
Ecclesiastes 11, "cast your bread upon the waters......." be generous when you can be generous!!! we all have it within our ability to be generous, God will make your generosity find the ones who need your generosity. you may never live to see where your energy, effort and generosity went, but God will see where it goes. just do the right thing at all times because we will be rewarded for it. store up treasures in heaven, because this life is short.
Ecclesiastes 12, a lot of times, people don't even think about the things of God until they are old and most of their lives wasted on foolishness. but this chapter is encouraging us to think about God in our youth. how do we get the young people to think about God right now, while they are young? take them to church, let them hear and see their parents making God a priority. when we get older we can have vision loss and hearing loss, both of which I have and it's no fun, and my body is getting weaker with age. I'm so thankful that I have a relationship with God that gives me strength and hope for my eternal future. we need to be prepared for the time when God will judge us all for our actions. my our actions be judged as good and righteous. may we all fear God and keep His commandments!!!
next time we will pick up with Song of Solomon.
well, I think we'll call it a wrap for today. I pray that we'll all continue to search after the heart of God in all that we do everyday. may we fear God and keep His commandments. let's make God a priority in our lives and encourage others to do the same. I hope we all have a great day today. be a blessing to someone today. enjoy some sunshine today, I think that's something that we plan on doing today. blessings of strength and energy be ours today.
hugs and love, patty